
cycling with passion

TCR Day 12 - Korçë - Game over…

August 4, 2023 at 04:36
TCR Day 12 - Korçë - Game over…
66 km
1147 hm
Started very early to have a chance to get to CP 4 within GC. However, after a few hours I noticed that something was not alright with my stomach, and then the heaving started… At first I thought I could continue with less power (bought some fresh water, a coke, and some fruit at the next shop). At first it seemed that could work, but on the next long ascent in the heat I had to get off the bike and just lie down at the side of the street. Spent many hours there and kept saying „yes everything okay“ to all passers-by asking… 🙈 But the point came when I realized that nothing was „okay“ and I definitely needed a place to rest. Luckily a passing rider left me some medicine against the heaving, and there was a hostel only few kilometers ahead. With many stops I eventually managed to get there. Immediately went to bed after a shower and fell into feverish dreams. Woke up again in the late evening and tried to eat a banana very slowly. Kept it and fell asleep for the night. AL 🎷🐛 64.41 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth

TCR Day 11 - Parcours 3 - Korçë

August 3, 2023 at 05:33
TCR Day 11 - Parcours 3 - Korçë
191 km
2082 hm
Parcours 3 took me still some hours in the morning. Two punctures within less then 10 kilometers. Actually glad to leave Albania and have a really good road through Northern Mazedonia. Back in Albania I decided to take a hotel room in Korçë. AL - MK - AL 🎷🐛 189.56 new kilometers 🏘 Completed 25% of Луково 🏘 Completed 25% of Бороец 🏘 Completed 25% of Модрич 🏘 Completed 50% of Глобочица 🏘 Completed 25% of Шум 🏘 Completed 25% of Хаме 🏘 Completed 75% of Џепиште 🏘 Completed 25% of Дренок 🏘 Completed 50% of Отишани -- From Wandrer.earth

TCR Day 10 - Nikšić - Parcours 3

August 2, 2023 at 06:21
TCR Day 10 - Nikšić - Parcours 3
243 km
2699 hm
Started early and pushed to get to CP 3. Made quite good progress - however the last kilometers contained very bad roads and lot of ascending. Had a good meal at CP 3 and decided to push on to the Parcours. Took quite a while even to the beginning of it - was already almost dark when I entered it. Actually more single trail than „gravel“. Did all the ascending but decided that descending would be too dangerous during the night. Bivied somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the Albanian mountains. ME - AL 🎷🐛 238.58 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth

TCR Day 9 - Travnik - Nikšić

August 1, 2023 at 07:09
TCR Day 9 - Travnik - Nikšić
252 km
4916 hm
Passed Sarajevo and cycled through the Drina and absolutely stunning Piva valley. Last kilometers through the moonlight - happy to find a hotel room in Nikšić - they even made me a lunch bag instead of breakfast for the next day. BA - ME 🎷🐛 243.02 new kilometers 🏘 Completed 25% of Бољановићи 🏘 Completed 50% of Сијерча 🏘 Completed 25% of Бољановићи 🏘 Completed 25% of Добро Поље 🏘 Completed 25% of Осија 🏘 Completed 50% of Тошићи 🏘 Completed 25% of Пољице 🏘 Completed 25% of Брод 🏘 Completed 25% of Челиково Поље 🏘 Completed 25% of Бастаси -- From Wandrer.earth

TCR Day 8 - Zagreb - Travnik

July 31, 2023 at 06:43
TCR Day 8 - Zagreb - Travnik
306 km
2303 hm
Tried to push it a little bit to make it to Bosnia. Bought a new spare tube in Banja Luka. Beautiful canyon at the end - but seen most of it only in moonlight. Last minute booked a hotel room near Travnik. HR -> BA 🎷🐛 301.63 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth

TCR Day 7 - Zgorne Jezersko - Zagreb

July 30, 2023 at 09:06
TCR Day 7 - Zgorne Jezersko - Zagreb
195 km
2005 hm
Parcours 2 was demanding and took some time. Another puncture not too far afterwards (just after chatting with another rider how many punctures we already had…). A shortcut turned out as a single trail. Eventually tried to ride away from a thunderstorm - rather semi-successfully… Found a late hotel room in Zagreb - good to wash all the things again! SI -> AT -> SI -> HR 🎷🐛 191.76 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth

TCR Day 6 - Ilstern - Zgorne Jezersko (CP 2)

July 29, 2023 at 04:25
TCR Day 6 - Ilstern - Zgorne Jezersko (CP 2)
284 km
0 hm
Tough day, as the CP closing was at midnight. Part through Austria was demanding (but also nice, as it is my home country), fantastic cycle path in Slovenia. The last 40km were hard, CP so close, but many steep ascents which would have made it impossible, if it continued like that. Final ascent was soft though - made it almost 2,5 hours before closing. Camp night (got a space in a tent). IT -> AT -> IT -> SI
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