
cycling with passion

Made it to Belgrad

August 9, 2023 at 21:23
Made it to Belgrad
11 km
75 hm
By bus from Thessaloniki to Belgrad - an adventure on its own… 😅 🎷🐛 10.1 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth

Starting the journey back home…

August 9, 2023 at 06:03
Starting the journey back home…
3 km
4 hm
👏 2.01 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth

Beach, again… 🌴

August 8, 2023 at 10:56
Beach, again… 🌴
76 km
547 hm
👍 25.55 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth

Pit stop

August 7, 2023 at 15:39
Pit stop
4 km
8 hm
Still some kms to go on the way back - maybe better without too much risk… 0.36 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth

Post-TCR recovery ride: to the beach! 🌴

August 6, 2023 at 15:09
Post-TCR recovery ride: to the beach! 🌴
68 km
354 hm
One of the great things of riding your bike to Greece is: that you have your bike there and can go almost everywhere! And how great it is to ride it with less weight on it… 🎷🐛 57.91 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth

What a shortcut… 🤪

August 5, 2023 at 20:47
What a shortcut… 🤪
6 km
11 hm
💪 5.46 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth

Still made it to Greece!

August 5, 2023 at 09:17
Still made it to Greece!
94 km
1139 hm
Felt a lot better this morning, and was able to eat the breakfast at the hostel (eggs, cheese, tomatoes, toast). Had some nice company from another rider bumping in the night before. Decided to ride to Ioannina and take a bus to Thessaloniki from there. Met a couple of riders all in not-so-good shape, and realized that I seemed still stronger than them. But the scratch email was already sent out, and it also felt good and free to be out of the race stress. And maybe better not take chances too much - I think I was very lucky to escape the situation without outside help. And I still rode by bike till Greece! Still felt a little bad to sit in that bus (but also good!😄), when the heavy rain came down at Ioannina, poor riders out there… AL - GR 🎷🐛 93.04 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth
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