
cycling with passion

Fahrt am Morgen

January 15, 2024 at 09:40
Fahrt am Morgen
4 km
2 hm
👍 1.06 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth


January 1, 2024 at 11:45
47 km
96 hm
 0.78 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth

Klima, geklebt.

November 6, 2023 at 07:35
Klima, geklebt.
15 km
24 hm

Quickie ;)

October 2, 2023 at 16:13
Quickie ;)
53 km
106 hm
Not much time today, but just _had_ to go for a ride in such perfect weather...  0.45 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth

Berliner Mauerweg

September 9, 2023 at 10:34
Berliner Mauerweg
177 km
521 hm
My first full Mauerweg ride after so many years in the Berlin area... 🙈 Started quite late and joined the Mauerweg in Adlershof into clockwise direction. Speed was not a target for this ride - intention was more a recovery ride as I was not feeling too fit these days. Tough to consistently remember that this very path used to be a death zone... Today large parts of it are very green and landscaped as recreational areas. Touched the Asahi cherry blossom alley near Lichterfeld (definitely have to come back in spring for this!). Heilandskirche at Port of Sacrow remembered me of a scene of Babylon Berlin - nice to see it in real life! Took the 14:00 ferry from Wannsee to Kladow - besides the omnipresent Mauerweg signs there are also many other hints, that this has formerly been the border - such as street or restaurant/bar names. Funny that the toponym "Glienicke" is quite confusing - "Altglienicke" in the south-east, "Großglienicke" in the very west and "Glienicke/Nordbahn" in the north... Liked also the last part through the city - after a little snack in a very nice café near Gesundbrunnen. Quite some "aha"-moments, where I was surprised how the wall meandered through the city. Already dawn when I arrived at home - liked it very much - definitely going to do this again! 💪 137.61 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth

Bisschen THF

August 21, 2023 at 18:05
Bisschen THF
41 km
78 hm
Is there anything better than a little after-work spinning in the afternoon sun on nice tarmac? 5.26 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth

Nochmals See…

August 20, 2023 at 16:17
Nochmals See…
20 km
26 hm
 0.34 new kilometers -- From Wandrer.earth
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